Your career is your responsibility.
Even in legacy companies with structured progression parameters, you have to make your own point of view and desires clear to your boss and HR team.
This becomes even more important in startups where career progression parameters are more chaotic and hence, require proactive discussion and alignment.
Whether you work in legacy companies or startups, there are some hacks you can use to optimize your chances of having a great career.
Here are three of them:
- Record testimonials – Whenever anyone from senior leadership or your cross-functional team has something nice to say about your work, ask if they are okay with sending you a mail saying the same thing. Keep a record of these emails, along with any project approval or congratulatory emails.
- Have regular career catchups with your boss – Schedule monthly half-hour connects with your boss where you talk about your career trajectory and goals. Do not assume that your boss will remember that one conversation from a party three months ago where you told him that you wanted to get promoted next year. Repeat your message periodically.
- Build your network – In the heat of day-to-day office work, it is quite possible to shrink your professional world within your immediate team and boss. Do not do that. Expand your office network beyond your immediate circle. Reach out to senior leaders from other departments, and peers from different companies. Add value to their lives by leaving thoughtful comments on their Linkedin profiles or sending them valuable content you come across. Keep your options open. These are the same people who can recommend you for future jobs if and when the need arises.
Remember, your career is your responsibility.
Meanwhile, if you need help with figuring out which marketing jobs to apply to, reach out to the WinnerBrands community here. We can help.