How to get a yes

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How to increase your chances of getting a yes to a request

In your professional capacity, you will find yourself having to ask for help from a lot of people. 

You cannot do everything by yourself. 

You will need the enthusiastic buy-in of your colleagues, and their active support. 

You will need to get them to say ‘of course, yes!’ to your requests. 


Here’s a tip. 

A major reason why people say no to you is that they can’t see how saying yes will benefit them. 

Try to invert your request so that it’s clear to them how the deal is a win-win for both of you. 

To do this, you have to see the issue from the other person’s point of view. 

Do these three steps: 

  • Write down the ask
  • Highlight the parts that benefit the other person
  • Highlight the parts that benefit you

You will very often be surprised by how much your requests are usually all about your benefits. 

There should be at least 50:50 parity between the other person’s benefits and yours. 

Better yet, there should be 60:40 split, to guarantee an enthusiastic yes. 

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